It also has access to more codecs that are not readily available on Windows Media Player. This lets your computer focus more on playback. VLC is a free media player that doesn't need many resources to run on your computer. Solution 2: Play your videos using VLC Media Player Step 4: Open the DCIM folder and copy or drag & drop all the videos to your desired location on the computer. Step 3: Double-click "GoPro MTP Client Disc Volume." Step 2: Open "This PC" on your computer and double-click on your GoPro camera.

Step 1: Connect your GoPro device to your computer via USB. This should always be the first thing you try, as playing them from the SD card can lead to choppy playback. Here are a couple of ways for you to fix this pesky little problem: Solution 1: Copy your videos to your computer It is caused in several ways, but the computer cannot process the video to playback smoothly. It occurs more often with streaming videos online, but as you might have noticed, it also occurs with recorded videos as well.

The term choppy video is often used to describe several issues, but nothing prevents the video from playing smoothly from start to finish. How to Resolve Choppy GoPro Video Problem? How to Properly Treat Your GoPro and Video Files